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TransitHub disclaimer


The construction and maintenance of TransitHub.net is done by Allen Dicion, this page was created to showcase my the images, sounds and videos I have personally collected in my collection.

All images belong to me and are copyrighted by myself unless othwewise stated, if you would wish to borrow an image that is hosted on my site please send me an email at . (Just type in the e-mail address above into the recipient field

in the interface/program you use to send your e-mail with.)

Photographs, sound files and/or video files are recorded/taken for personal purposes (this hobby of mine)

and not for commercial purposes.

Transit authorities/companies logos that are shown within this site are the property of their respective owners.

TransitHub does not take any responsibility for actions that you may take and is neither liable for

any damages, injuries, or deaths that is a result of the users actions.

Viewing this page (TransitHub.net) as at the risk of the user and not of myself.

I do not work for or are similarly related in anyway to any of the transit authorities/companies that are depicted on this site.

July 7, 2005 10:55 AM

© 2004 TransitHub